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3-D Website Builder 1.1
Category VRML Authoring Application
Type Demo
Platforms Mac68k, PowerMac, Win3.1, Win95
VRML Support VRML 1.0 (see Notes)
Folder 3dwebbld
Information 3dwebbld/3dwb.htm
Installation Mac68k The file 3dwebbld/mac68k/mac68k.sit is a StuffIt archive containing the files associated with the application. Using StuffIt, StuffIt Expander, or an equivalent un-archiver, extract the archived files on to your hard disk.
PowerMac The file 3dwebbld/powermac/powermac.sit is a StuffIt archive containing the files associated with the application. Using StuffIt, StuffIt Expander, or an equivalent un-archiver, extract the archived files on to your hard disk.
Win 3.1 Run the file 3dwebbld/win31/setup.exe to start the setup wizard and install the application.
Win95 Run the file 3dwebbld/win95/setup.exe to start the setup wizard and install the application.
Comments Virtus 3-D Website Builder is an easy-to-use VRML authoring application that enables you to quickly create and place shapes in a world. 3-D Website Builder provides a wide assortment of pre-built VRML shapes, including advanced primitives, chairs, tables, and home fixtures.

Notes The version of 3-D Website Builder included on this CD-ROM only supports output in VRML 1.0 format. It cannot generate VRML 2.0 files (yet), such as those discussed in The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook.

3-D Website Builder is provided on this CD-ROM so that you may try out its features in this version, then look forward to a forthcoming version that supports VRML 2.0. You are encouraged to check the Web site for Virtus to obtain information on future versions of 3-D Website Builder, and other Virtus software.

Using the current version of 3-D Website Builder, you can create components for a VRML 2.0 world by following these steps:

  • Build a VRML 1.0 component in 3-D Website Builder
  • Save the component in VRML 1.0 format
  • Use a VRML 1.0-to-2.0 converter to convert your component to VRML 2.0 format
  • Integrate the new VRML 2.0 component with your world

See the CD-ROM products listing for pointers to VRML 1.0-to-2.0 converters.

Category VRML Browser
Type Free Beta
Platforms Mac68k, PowerMac, Win95
VRML Support VRML 1.0 (see Notes)
Folder voyager
Information voyager/voyager.htm
Installation Mac68k The file voyager/mac68k/mac68k.sit is a StuffIt archive containing the files associated with the application. Using StuffIt, StuffIt Expander, or an equivalent un-archiver, extract the archived files on to your hard disk.
PowerMac The file voyager/powermac/powermac.sit is a StuffIt archive containing the files associated with the application. Using StuffIt, StuffIt Expander, or an equivalent un-archiver, extract the archived files on to your hard disk.
Win95 Run the file voyager/win95/setup.exe to start the setup wizard and install the application.
Comments Virtus Voyager is a VRML browser for use as a helper-application with Netscape Navigator, or other HTML Web browsers. Using Voyager, you can browse the Web and view VRML files within a separate window, external to the Web browser. Check out the Virtus Web site for a list of sample shapes and worlds at http://www.virtus.com/vrml.html.

Notes The version of Voyager included on this CD-ROM is a Beta release of the product. This Beta release supports most VRML 1.0 features, but may still have the inevitable bugs common to a pre-release product.

The version of Voyager included on this CD-ROM only supports viewing VRML 1.0 files. It cannot view VRML 2.0 files (yet), such as those discussed in The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook.

Voyager is provided on this CD-ROM so that you may try out its features in this version, then look forward to a forthcoming version that supports VRML 2.0. You are encouraged to check the Web site for Virtus to obtain information on future versions of 3-D Website Builder, and other Virtus software.

3-D Website Builder 1.1 Textures
Category Texture Images
Type Sampler
Platforms Any
VRML Support N/A
Folder textures
Information The folder contains a set of sample JPEG texture images that are supplied with the 3-D Website Builder demo application.
Installation N/A
Comments Virtus 3-D Website Builder comes with a set of sample JPEG textures that you can use to texture map your shapes. This is an important added value provided by Virtus and one we have highlighted by placing a copy of the textures in the textures folder.

Product description copyright (c) 1997, Ames / Nadeau / Moreland.
Product material copyright (c) 1996, Virtus Corporation. All rights reserved.
Virtus is registered trademark of Virtus Corporation. Voyager and 3-D Website Builder are trademarks of Virtus Corporation.